My Story

Hi there! My name is Maria. I am a personal trainer, Yoga instructor, and wellness coach, and I have an inattentive type of ADHD.

With all the downsides of this “disorder” (still feels really weird to call it that way), I believe it helped me get where I am today. And I am very grateful for that. ADHD made me a unique person, with great intentions, who’s always hungry for knowledge and new experiences.

Being fit was always important to me! And like most of us, I do care what other people think. Feeling beautiful affects the way we walk on a street, meet new people, interact with our friends, family, and colleagues; how positive, confident, and empathic we are.

Unfortunately, modern culture puts pressure on us as women to look a certain way… From the age of seven, I’ve been taught that I should be dieting to stay skinny. But nobody bothered to explain to me a healthy way of eating because working harder and eating less was the only way people around me knew.

Over the years, I initiated and dropped off a bunch of weight-management plans to get and keep that desired physique. It’s like I had this voice in my head constantly reminding me “No one will ever like you unless you’re thin.”

So for years, I’ve been putting aesthetics in front of my health only to find out over and over again that it just doesn’t work this way. Our bodies are amazingly smart and sophisticated systems that thrive when everything inside is in balance. One thing they couldn’t care less about is us trying to look good in tight clothes…

When we focus on shedding pounds to get happy, we stay a victim to the insecurity and bad habits which always backfires with more weight gain and more health issues. Only when we focus on taking care of our own bodies and making long-term positive lifestyle changes, that’s when the body transformations that really last begin!

So after reading a massive amount of literature on fitness, diet, and health, I decided to put my health first, restore my metabolism, and give my brain enough time to heal and rewire itself. I’ll be honest with you – it wasn’t an easy journey. It took me years to get to a place where I finally felt in control of my life. Years of consistently taking the carefully planned steps, overcoming obstacles and sabotaging thoughts, and getting right back on track after a number of mistakes and setbacks.

Improving my relationships with food, body image, and self-esteem made me a stronger and more resilient person, both physically and mentally! Not only my mood, concentration, and drive improved drastically, but I also was able to make peace with who I am, enjoy the little things and be more present for my friends and family.

Over time, I’ve noticed that I could exercise regularly, provide my body with essential nutrients, prioritize sleep, keep stress down, and work on self-awareness without much use of willpower. It became something normal, something that I just do. My body looks and most importantly feels better than ever! It’s not perfect but I’m not looking for perfection. I stay in shape all year round without starving myself or overexercising. I don’t get frustrated any longer that my body doesn’t respond the way I want it. Because now I know what works best for it and what doesn’t.

I remember the first time I’ve realized that I am indeed capable of sticking with a plan and transform my life made me feel like a real badass! Eventually, all these positive actions that I couldn’t even imagine myself doing just a few years back became habits and steps for my future achievements!

Once I cleared my mind, I realized that I’ve got a lot to give! I felt like a glass full of fresh water, ready to share it with others who need it the most!

A few facts about me

My favorite snacks, favorite morning, favorite weekend, what I love

Favorite cities, what gets me going