ADD & Fit

Helping wonderful women with wandering minds get fit, healthy, and happy

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Meet Maria

Maria is a Wellness Coach, Personal Trainer, and Yoga Instructor. She was diagnosed with inattentive ADHD at the age of 30. At this time, she already personally achieved her fitness goals and professionally help many other women get in better shape, lose weight, improve their self-esteem and overall wellbeing. She herself, has traveled a long, bumpy road and discovered all the possible roadblocks on the way to a healthy mind and body. Working with clients one-on-one is something she is particularly passionate about. Her coaching approach utilizes five years of experience in the fitness industry, cutting-edge research in health, fitness, nutrition, neuroscience, and behavioral change, and a life-long journey of overcoming ADHD symptoms and gaining control over her life.


We'll focus on overcoming your individual struggles. Whether it's lack of energy, motivation, and willpower, not knowing what's the best way to start your diet and exercise journey, having a hard time sticking to a plan, unhealthy eating habits, or low self-esteem - I get it and I'm here to help!


Getting an online coach is more budget-friendly but yet an effective way to meet your fitness and health outcomes. It's a fraction of the cost of in-person training for comparable quality of the service.


A personalized program means you can exercise any place and any time it's comfortable for you. Together, we will create a unique diet plan specific not only to your needs but also preferences. The main idea is to find a sustainable approach that will help you stay commited and in control.

the pillars of my practice

personal training

  • Healthy, long-term fat loss
  • Easy-to-sustain lifestile changes
  • Providing the body with essential nutrients
  • Minimizing processed foods
  • Decreasing inflammation
  • Speeding up the metabolism
  • Correcting the posture and muscle imbalances
  • Building strength
  • Improving mobility
  • Lowering stress levels and supporting the recovery process.
  • Practice mindfulness and meditation

wellness coaching

  • Promoting positive body image and practice self-compassion.
  • Changing sabotaging thoughts that misguide you and stall your progress.
  • Mastering skills to commit to a healthy eating and exercise plan.
  • Break bad habits and replace them with healthy ones.
  • Build resilience. 
  • Reduce stress.
  • Learn how to effectively overcome challenges.

What my PT clients say

If you are considering hiring Maria and haven’t made up your mind, don’t hesitate a minute longer. Maria isn’t just a trainer who is interested in developing your muscles, she is a trainer who cares about your total health. Her goal is to see you attain the best health for you. When you sit down on your very first visit with Maria, she asks what is your goal? She asks about health issues, things you would like to change, what would you like to improve. She takes her time, researches and makes sure she has provided the very best information for you. It is obvious when you sit down for your consultation that your health and well-being is her priority! She will give you a very comprehensive plan and is with you every step of the way, helping you to achieve your goal. She treats you with kindness and cheers you right along your path. You will not have anyone who is more in your corner than Maria. I can only tell you this: hire her! You will not regret it!

Tonya Ard

After losing 45 lbs I hit a plateau. So I decided to try a PT session with Maria. She spent several hours with me, doing a physical and health assessment. She identified my strengths and weaknesses and coached me through many exercises to improve my overall body composition. She was very thorough, explaining the benefits of every movement and ensuring I performed them correctly to achieve the most benefit and avoid injury. She followed up with a detailed report of the assessment and plan to follow to reach my goals. I’m pretty self-driven so I only signed up for one session. I’ve lost about 10 more lbs and managed to improve my muscle-to-fat ratio. I feel stronger and proud to have made such progress. Maria’s extensive knowledge of nutrition and fitness, along with her friendly and persistent support, has certainly had a lot to do with my success!

Marcia Faris

Maria is very knowledgeable not only in Personal Training but also in overall health. Maria is very passionate about training and has a very caring personality. Each week she has a plan which she can quickly modify if necessary. She also makes herself available outside of the training session if you have any questions or concerns. The very best thing about Maria is her character. She is always very positive and happy and she wants you to be successful. Maria has completely changed how I feel about working out. I actually look forward to it now!

Kelly Howell

Choose Your PLAN

Pick a program that best fits your goals. All plans offer a full money back guarantee!



Initial consultation over Skype

Online Physical & Nutritional assessments

A personalized 3-months Exercise program

A personalized 3-months Diet plan

Follow-up consultation over Skype (30-min)

one-on-one coaching


Initial consultation over Skype

Five single coaching sessions

Email/text support between sessions

full package


Initial consultation over Skype

Online Physical & Nutritional assessments

A personalized 3-months Exercise program

A personalized 3-months Diet plan

Five single coaching sessions

Email/text support between sessions